Family Support in Early Marriage Phenomenon in Ranggi Asam, West Bangka Regency

Family Support in Early Marriage Phenomenon in Ranggi Asam, West Bangka Regency

  • Luna Febriani , Eliza
Kata Kunci: Early Marriage, Family, Children, Tradition


Early marriage is one of the problems of Indonesians society. Based on the data, early marriage in Indonesia has increased from year to year. The high quantities of early marriage certainly has an impact on the human development index and its has a correlation with health, education and the quality of human resources in Indonesia. In Ranggi Asam Village, Jebus Bangka Barat District, the level of early marriage among the people is quite awaiting. In this society, early marriage has become a habit and marriage in this society also has a correlation with the prestige of the parents. This study aims to look for motivations and problems raised from this marriage. In collecting data, researchers used qualitative research methods in which the results of the field data will be analyzed by the Miles and Huberman methods. Researchers used the perspective of family sociology to dissect the results of this study, namely the theory of family support from Friedman. The results showed that early marriage to the people of Ranggi Asam Village could not be separated from the habits that had been patterned on the community. Young people choose to marry early because of association where early marriage has become a habit and parents who support the early marriage. This early marriage then has an impact on community education where many children drop out of school due to community habits that allow early marriage.
