• Devi Valeriani
Kata Kunci: New Normal, Covid-19, KKN


Community service is one of the tri dharma of higher education besides education and research. It is a self-empowerment process movementto improve the quality of life and the interests of the community Community Service Program (KKN) is a form of community development intracurricular activities as a vehicle for implementing science and technology development carried out outside the campus with a mechanism of working time requirement and certain technology. Despite the pandemic, many work programs have been carried out by KKN Selindung Lama, including regarding health protocols, namely manufacture and distribution of hand washing stations, distribution of poster and masks and spraying disinfectants. In addition, educational and learning activities from Selindung Lama were also carried out, socialization regarding oran and dental health, making RT signposts. Filling spare time during Covid-19 by farming and processing waste. Some of the work programs implemented have provided benefits to the community, it can be seen from the enthusiasm of the community in carrying out several activities but still adhering to health protocols
